
Directed by: Kenneth LEE, Afiq JAAFER

Produced by: Jason LEE, Jessica HENG

Director of Photography: Eugene LEE, Jason LAU


Mirage is a 5-episodic social commentary on how things are not as black and white as society deems it to be. Explore the complexities of morality with us as we walk the blurred line between what is right and wrong.

In each episode, we follow a character as they are thrust into their respective predicament, blurring their moral compass and putting their principles to a test. A migrant wrestles with his conscience as he is forced to choose between his family and the life of his counterpart; an unhinged woman struggles with her morals as she believes she deserves a piece of happiness even if it doesn’t belong to her; a junior college student takes matters into her own hands after suspecting an affair by her step-father. What will they do and how will they justify their decision?


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